Monday, August 26, 2013

Classes Have Begun

First day of classes for my husband, and a sick baby.  Man what a day! It is now 7 pm, husband at school studying and Jules asleep. Today has been interesting with all the emotions of my husband starting school and will also be working this semester and Jules whining and crying all day and nothing I can do to help her.  Very draining. One of the biggest things that gets us through this process is communication.  It really is key! Today we sucked at it...  I dropped my husband off at school and forgot to ask when he needed to be picked up, and with 1 car we always try and make sure we know whats going on.  I text him asking when I pick him up today and he tells me 30 minutes.  Just had got Jules down for a nap and was going to take her to the park today, but ended up losing the car all day due to my husbands interviews.  Luckily got to spend lunch and dinner as a family.  I think I'll be asleep before my husband gets home tonight.  I have been so prepared for the last two semesters, but this semester just snuck up on us.  We had an amazing summer.  Husband was always home by 6 pm and we had our weekends.  We ate a lot! Visited family, they visited us and we had a small San Diego trip. It was fun and flew by.  Now school days where he won't be home every night anymore. Next week will be better because he won't have interviews anymore and will free up so much of his time.  I need to get my mind set on the positives because a sad, and unmotivated mind will get me no where and drag out this process.  Two years left! We are very blessed to have this opportunity for my husband to be at such a great law school, work for a good firm and have so many firms interested in him. Another day tomorrow will bring us one day closer to our goal. I think an early bedtime is in store for me today.

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