Sunday, August 25, 2013

My first Post...

I am starting this blog in hopes to connect with people and an outlet for myself. My husband is a second year law student and starts class tomorrow. This summer has been so nice with him just working and no school. I feel like when he is home, he is really home. During the school year it feels like everything is always in a rush and we never can quite have enough time together. There's not much we can do about that, he has a lot to do, and this year he is adding working on top of that! Oh man! I love how ambitious he is, and how all he wants to do is provide for us, so I can be with our little girl as much as possible. I love the way she is molding into her own person, sweet, sassy, polite, and full of humor. We really do not know what the heck we did with our time without her. Time that now is spent completely doting on her.  Here I am writing a blog for me time, and I am writing about her.  She has transformed our lives into such an amazing thing. It is great to be able to teach her and spend time with her. More about me. I love to write, have considered writing a couple books, but where to start, which topic to pick, and start and outline and focus! I figure Ill blog for a while instead, maybe build up enough confidence to dive into writing a book.  Maybe this will be my fix, and writing a book will become unnecessary.

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